Our pharma health division manufactures high quality branded generics that are leader in theirtheraputic class, at our GMP compliant facility

COLI SKILS-50 Powder

Each gm contains:-

Colistin sulphate………5MIU (USP Specification)


100mg , 250mg , 500mg, 1kg

Maximum retail prices:


Approved shelf life:

 2 Years

N.C.O SKILS-100 Powder

Each 100gm contains:-  

Oxytetracycline HCL …….25gm

Colistin Sulphate………..30MIU

Neomycin Sulphate ……….25gm         (As per Innovator’s Specification)

Packing: 100gm , 250gm , 500gm , 1kg 

Maximum retailed prices:  


Approved shelf life :  

  2 Years


Each 100gm contains:

tylosin tertrate……..10gm

Deoxycyclic HCL……..20gm

Colistin Sulphate…..2.35gm Bromhexine……0.5gm

 (As per Innovator’s Specification)

Packing : 100gm , 250gm , 500gm , 1kg

Maximum retail price: 


Approved shelf life

 2 Years


Each 100gm contains:-

Amentadine HCL……10gm

(As per Innovator’s Specification)

Packing:  100gm , 250gm , 500gm , 1kg

Maximum retailed price:


Approved shelf life:

2 Years

N.C.O SKILS-1000 Powder 

 Each 100gm contains:-

Oxytetracycline HCL……..30gm

Colistin Sulphate………..50MIU

Neomysin Sulphate ……25gm

(As per Innovator’s Specification)

Packing:   100gm , 250gm , 500gm , 1kg 

Maximum retailed prices :

Approved shelf life :

 2 Years 

FENCOSKILS-23 Liquid  

Each 100ml contains:-


Colistin Sulphate………50MIU

(As per Innovator’s Specification)

Packing: 100ml , 250ml , 500ml , 1 litre
Maximum retail prices:

Approved shelf life : 

02 Years 


Bio N.Mycin-70% Powder

Each 100gm contains:-

Neomycin Sulphate…….70gm

(As per Innovator’s Specification)

Packing: 100gm , 250gm , 500gm , 1kg

Maximum retail price : 


Approved shelf life: 

 02 Years 

NEOSKILS-72 %Powder 

 Each 100gm contains:-

Neomycin Sulphate…….72gm

(As per Innovator’s Specification)

Packing :  100gm , 250gm , 500gm  , 1kg 
Maximum retail price : 
Approved Shelf Life :
           02 Years

Bio Viro TD-1000 powder

Each 100gm contains:-

Tylosin tetrate…….20gm

Deoxycyclic HCL…….40gm

Colistin Sulphate……..50MIU

Bromhexine HCL…….1gm 

 (As per Innovator’s Specification)

Packing:   100gm , 250gm , 500gm , 1K

Maximum Retail price: 


Approved Shelf Life: 

  02 Years

Cina skils Liquid

Each ml contains :-

Enrofloxacin …………..75mg




(As per Innovator’s Specification)

Packing: 100ml , 250ml , 500ml , 1Litre

Maximum Retail price: 


Approved Shelf Life : 

 02 Years


Nefloskils Forte Powder

  Each 100gm contains :

Neomycin Sulphate ….100gm


Oxytetracycline                         Hydrochloride……….300mg

(As per Innovator’s Specification)

Packing :   100gm , 250gm , 500gm , 1K

Maximum Retail Price: 


Approved Shelf Life: 

 02 Years 


 Each 100gm contains:-  

Colistin Sulphate…………550MIU (USP specification)

Packing :   100gm , 250gm , 500gm , 1K 

Maximum Retail Price :                                                                                                      De-controlled

Approved Shelf Life :

 02 Years 

Enroskils 20% Liquid

 Each 100ml contains :-

 Eurofloxacin…………. 20gm  (USP specification )        

Packing :   100ml , 250ml , 500ml , 1 litre 

Maximum Re tail Price:                                                                                                     De-controlled 

Approved Shelf life : 

02 Years

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From immunizations to checkups and  preventive care,  exams, our primary care physicians and providers work to keep you and your whole family healthy and strong each and every day.

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